How to build a solid and attractive corporate culture for employees?

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How to build a solid and attractive corporate culture for employees?

Alexis Arias | Corporate Manager of Organizational Climate and Labor Relations

Organizational culture is the set of practices that define the way employees of a company behave and think.

A solid and attractive organizational culture increases productivity and employee satisfaction. According to a recent study on culture and happiness at work by the Mexican sustainable growth consultancy, happy employees are 88% more productive than those with a negative attitude or attitude contrary to the company’s culture.

Given these results, I share ten essential tips to build a solid and attractive organizational culture in your company:


We all must promote and value a work environment based on respect that promotes good treatment at all levels of the organization, where empathetic, tolerant, and egalitarian relationships are built, and where diversity is valued as a fundamental part of our culture. Above all, promoting respect and tolerance is essential to foster team harmony.


Each collaborator feels important within the SID Group, people like to feel integrated, and their opinion is considered. All this helps to think that you are part of a project. In addition, feedback from collaborators must be carefully and constantly worked on. You have to invest time and space to listen to the whole team.


Flexibility in the face of different situations that arise in the workplace and are treated in a personalized way generates a positive work environment that fosters business success. Knowing how to handle day-to-day crises properly is vital. Maintaining calm and order, transmitting the right message to the team correctly, and showing confidence in managing the problem are some aspects that help collaborators have absolute confidence in you as a leader.

Another critical aspect is to achieve involvement among collaborators. Generating it is essential through leadership techniques and adequate working conditions to avoid, for example, absenteeism or poor performance.


When a job well done is NOT recognized, the work environment can progressively deteriorate. People like to feel valued and feel that their opinion and tasks count. For example, encouraging our SID people to participate in business decision-making will make them feel part of the team and convey that they are essential to us even in deciding where the organization wants to go.

Gaining the trust of employees is the main objective.

Gaining the team’s trust is fundamental to encouraging a good climate. Thanking the team for their work and acknowledging their merits is a way of sending a clear message to everyone that they will feel valued and at ease working with the company’s managers and will not hesitate to go to them for new proposals or concerns.


An aspect valued by the collaborators is knowing the protocols and procedures of their tasks. At the individual and organizational level, being clear about what each one must do is essential to achieve their own objectives, but also to achieve the organization’s purposes, positively impacting the business and the feeling of belonging and implication.


Carrying out activities outside the workspace will reinforce the idea of team and camaraderie. It is an ideal way to combat stress in a more relaxed environment. Integration is essential to improve the organizational climate and commitment to the organization.


Celebrating the company’s successes and recognizing the employees who have contributed to them is essential. At Grupo SID, we do it through events, awards, public recognition, and a unique differentiation in our wellness plans for our collaborators.


A solid organizational culture must offer growth opportunities to Employees, which is why at Grupo SID, we provide training programs, mentoring, and promotion opportunities within the company through our internal development platform.


Being transparent in all company operations, corporate decision-making, and internal and external communication is vital to building trust and peace of mind with our employees and stakeholders. At Grupo SID, we have management and a solid communication team that effectively transmits

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