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and vision of Grupo SID

The Blog of Grupo SID

The purpose of this blog is to transmit messages and reflections on different topics of interest written by members of the #FamiliaSID. We hope you learn something new and share it with your family and friends.

The three-dimensionality of sustainability

Sustainability is a fundamental concept in our world today, as it seeks to balance the needs of the present without compromising future generations. However, something that only some know about this concept is that it is made up of three aspects: economic, social and environmental sustainability. Economic sustainability It refers to actions and decisions that

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Challenges of our Digital Transformation

Digital transformation in large companies has become an urgent reality today. The business shows us we face two great constants: changes and challenges. A company must dedicate resources and efforts to technological adoption to stay current. This implies the implementation of digital technologies, process improvement and efficient change management. In this short article, we will

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Tips to start recycling at home 

Ernesto Rosario | Environment Manager Induveca  Recycling gives a new life to the materials used to produce a product for another good. It is a simple and valuable activity we can do as a family, even the little ones in the house. This contributes to preventing environmental pollution in three ways: air pollution, water pollution,

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ConoceALaGenteSID: Noelí, Induveca’s Senior Auditor

Welcome to this new dynamic of our blog! In this segment called #ConoceALaGenteSID, we will present collaborators from our companies. They will talk a little about their experience working at Grupo SID so that you can learn about the different positions and people who hold the company. Noelí, Induveca’s Senior Auditor, is with us on

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Manage Your Personal Finances 

By Juan Carlos Fernandez | Corporate Tax Manager of Grupo SID  Personal finance refers to proper money management. It implies keeping track of your income and how it is invested and spent, always considering the importance of saving. Having good personal finances provides us with security and freedom in our daily lives, which translates into

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Does social media really influence the consumer?

It is a question that, empirically, we could answer with a yes. Internet users constantly want to buy something because they have seen it on a friend’s profile or a recognized figure. However, it can also be directly on the page of the company that offers it if it manages to provide engaging content. Since

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Words of

Ligia Bonetti

“The world entered what for many is a great challenge: the fourth industrial revolution

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