Balance between work and family life, is it possible to achieve?

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Balance between work and family life, is it possible to achieve?

By: Fatima Perez | Monitoring Center Operator

Working life is essential for the professional development of every human being. Therefore, exercising that career, we were passionate about from education is exciting. In addition, this gives us the possibility of having economic stability; it presents us with challenges that shape our character, personality, and, sometimes, our way of seeing life. Finally, it gives us a good push toward maturity.

Something we face daily is establishing a balance between family life and work life. This impacts many people worldwide, where sometimes it can feel as if more than the day is needed to carry out both roles and that you feel short in the face of so many responsibilities.

It frequently happens to us that when trying to fulfill 100% in one of the two roles, it implies by default the neglect of the other, which causes problems and imbalances in our lives, which can also affect physical and emotional health.

How to achieve a balance between family and work?

Stress is one of the silent affectations that adults suffer, mostly when family and work life conflict and there is no balance between both parties. These would be the recommendations to achieve healthy harmony:

Create a list of priorities: In this notebook or notebook, you will place family and work activities that you have to do every day, placing them in order of importance.

Organize your agenda: After placing your family and work priorities in your plan, organize them by date, time, and degree of importance; compare your working hours to manage yourself more effectively.

Divide or set aside only time to have fun: To achieve the dream balance between family life and work life, it is essential to dedicate time to those who fill us with warmth and erase all stress with a smile. In your agenda, explicitly place those moments you will spend with your loved ones so you know that that day is the time to share with your friends, visit your parents, watch a movie with your children, or enjoy some time alone doing one of your favorite hobbies.

Create a routine: Routines keep our life organized; it is essential to create patterns, which will help us find the balance between family life and work life; an example of a healthy routine would be: before going to the office in the morning, you could have breakfast with the children and then take them to school (in case you have children), you could enroll in a gym, create a routine where at least once a month you go out for lunch with your partner or your mother.

Do not feel remorse: When we give ourselves certain pleasures that we are not used to, we usually feel guilty or remorseful. However, taking time for yourself and resting is vital to achieving less stress and better work performance.

Never try to discover what is more important, family life or work life; the goal is not that; the goal is to find a way to develop professionally in our work life without affecting our family life. However, you must remember that both are essential to our lives; one depends on and feeds the other.

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