Grupo SID delivers children’s park in Plaza de la Cultura

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Grupo SID delivers children’s park in Plaza de la Cultura

Grupo SID in support of the Ministry of Culture inaugurated the Plaza de la Cultura Children’s Park, representing a contribution from Grupo SID and its companies MercaSID and Induveca.

The Children’s Park has been designed and built considering the importance of recreational spaces for children’s development, with the interest that children have the opportunity to promote their social, physical and emotional skills in a comprehensive and fun way.

Lil Esteva, Executive Vice President of Induveca, commented “At Grupo SID we are committed to our mission of creating well-being and this mission, together with our values ​​of growing, serving, protecting and sharing, drives us to foster environments like this, which contribute to development. of children and with them to society. We celebrate the opening of a space that was born from the desire to create a place where children can play, learn and grow in a safe and stimulating environment.”

Likewise, the Minister of Culture, Milagros Germán, commented “This park not only provides opportunities for play and social interaction, but also promotes exploration of the natural environment and creativity in a safe and controlled environment within the Plaza de la Plaza. Culture”.

The recreation park is located in an area of ​​368.49m2, next to the Natural History Museum. It has a wide range of games for children between 2 and 12 years old. The games include two sets of slides, a set of four swings, three themed rocking chairs, four seesaws, a spider web climbing game, an inclusive swing for children with motor disabilities and picnic tables.

The recreational space has been designed from interlocking circles representing movement. In its plan view, it represents the analogy of a tree as an allusion to growth, life and the respect that has been shown to them, since the design has been adapted to the existing trees, fluidly integrating the built space with the environment. natural. The park reflects the joy that characterizes children through the color of the floor and the yellow of its fence. One of the main criteria is that this space is accessible to everyone, so properly signposted access ramps have been created. It also has the provision of an area with picnic tables complementing the proposal of outdoor recreation spaces for rest and promotion of sharing.

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