Grupo SID, a leading Dominican business conglomerate, offered its collaborators the talk “Nutrition: the key to integral wellbeing” with a presentation by the renowned clinical nutritionist, Dr. Giselle Escaño, in commemoration of World Nutrition Day, established by the World Health Organization with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of an adequate and balanced diet to nourish the body and maintain good health.
During the talk, the specialist urged those present to evaluate their body’s reaction to food, encouraging them to make a count of the meals eaten in the last 24 hours, to identify at what time of the day they feel anxious, and highlighting the importance of doing some physical activity. In addition, practical recommendations were offered for a balanced diet, thus promoting a culture of wellness among employees.
Dr. Giselle Escaño emphasized: “Integral health and wellness is a balance between physical, emotional, biological and spiritual factors in a human being, which allow for an optimal state and development in all areas of life”.

Likewise, Leyla Alfonso, Corporate Director of Communication highlighted this initiative as part of Grupo SID’s mission to create wellness and in alignment with Goal 3 – Health and Wellness of the Sustainable Development Goals, as members of the United Nations Global Compact: “We have promoted these meetings with employees, so that they can strengthen their knowledge about nutrition and balanced nutrition, considering that it is possible to consume all foods in a balanced and moderate way”.
The attendees had the opportunity to learn about the importance of a correct diet, which should be complete, balanced, safe, sufficient, varied and adequate.