MercaSID and Induveca receive the National Quality Award in the “Great Industry” category

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MercaSID and Induveca receive the National Quality Award in the “Great Industry” category

MercaSID and Induveca, companies of Grupo SID, were awarded “Great Industry” in the Fifth Delivery of the National Award for Quality of the Private Sector in the Dominican Republic, an event dedicated to the maximum recognition of the effort to improve the performance, competitiveness, and sustainable development of the private companies in quality management and excellence devoted to the production of goods and services in the country.

The companies were accredited with the Gold Leader Medal for demonstrating outstanding performance in implementing the Management Excellence Model. The awards were received by José Miguel Bonetti Du-Breil, Executive Vice President of MercaSID, Lil Esteva, Executive Vice President of Induveca, and Claudia Rodríguez, Corporate Director of Quality, Industrial Safety, and Environment.
The ceremony was headed with the presence of President Luis Abinader, by the National Association of Companies and Industries of Herrera (ANEIH), with the support of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MiPymes (MICM) and the Dominican Council for Quality (CODOCA ) held at the launch of the fifth edition of the National Award for Quality in the Private Sector at the Hotel Real Intercontinental Santo Domingo, to promote a culture of quality, seeking to improve the goods and services produced and provided in the country.

Mr. Ignacio Méndez, director of the award, emphasized that quality is how to shorten the productivity gap in our companies. He stated that the bases of the award are approved by the National Quality Policy and the SDGs, and that the National Award was incorporated into the Ibero-American Quality Award, allowing the winners to apply for it.

This award recognizes the 24 most outstanding companies in the private sector, including medium and small service companies, and the highest award is granted by the Jury, granting accreditations with a top medal in the Gold, Silver, and Bronze categories at the regional, state, national level. or international in distinction for having the best management practices for total quality that represent a model to follow.

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