Grupo SID publishes book “Montesino: I am the voice crying in the desert”

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Grupo SID publishes book “Montesino: I am the voice crying in the desert”


As part of its cultural commitment and with the historical legacy of the Dominican Republic, Grupo SID presented the book “Montesino: Ego Vox Clamantis in Deserto,” authored by María Teresa Ruiz de Catrain, as part of the 10th anniversary of Centroamérica Cuenta, which immerses us in a deep reflection on our history and our commitment to the country.

The author highlights the essence of this book as “A voice that transcends races, creeds and cultures and calls for freedom through justice… conceived as a polyphony; five voices to tell: first, the narration; which has as its leitmotiv, the eternal philosophical concerns of humanity; the reason for our existence; the continuous search for answers to existence and tomorrow; that is, the reason for life and the uncertainty of the afterlife.

This book highlights the important role that our country has had in the history of human rights, with a journey through the paths that have built the past and present of humanity that today we know as a literary contribution to society.

This book highlights the important role that our country has played in the history of human rights.

The work “Montesino: Ego Vox Clamantis In Deserto” results from an arduous research work consolidated with the literary prose of historian Ruiz de Catrain and the photographic lens of Pedro Álvarez.

Delivering the keynote address at the event, Ligia Bonetti Du-Breil, Executive President of the conglomerate, said: “For Grupo SID, it is a great honor to bring to light this work that fills us with pride and commitment, recognizing the rigorous academic and historical work of its author, as well as the passion and fluency reflected in her narrative that invites us to travel through the faith and reason of the great men of the past and present of the Order of Preachers who today so graciously welcome us.”

“May this voice, as a song of hope, be that light that drives us to form the next generations so that they can continue on the path and raise the commitment of the tricolor flag and, in the absence of justice, raise their voice clear and powerful claiming their rights so that the future of this nation is a dawn of dreams realized and new conquests to be achieved on behalf of humanity, said Ligia Bonetti.

With this release, Grupo SID aims to create well-being by making historical and cultural contributions that transcend borders, serving the country in the search for a more just society, commemorating the pride of our present, and reaffirming its commitment to tomorrow inspired by the legacy of Fray Antonio de Montesino and the Order of Preachers.


Grupo SID is one of the largest Dominican conglomerates of manufacturing and marketing companies of mass consumer products in the Dominican Republic, with over 2,000 products under its umbrella and a presence in 17 countries. Focused on the creation of well-being for its collaborators, commercial allies, consumers, and society in general, Grupo SID is considered one of the best Dominican organizations to work for, possessing the highest industrial quality standards and commercial alliances with international brands and companies of worldwide prestige.


This 2023, Centroamérica Cuenta will celebrate its ten years of telling the great stories of Ibero-American literature. The event features dialogues, workshops, and book presentations to offer a space that brings together writers, musicians, filmmakers, journalists, booksellers, readers, and social actors to discuss and reflect on diverse and inclusive topics, including climate change, diaspora, identity, writing, memory, diversity, gender, human rights, freedom of expression, democracy, film, music, science, narrative, and journalism.

Over ten years, Centroamérica Cuenta has become the most important literary festival in the region and a focal point for the projection and dissemination of Ibero-American literature from Central America. The festival has held more than 400 events, with the most representative voices from Latin America, Spain, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.

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