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Our Foundation “Caminantes Por La Vida” Started the “Hope Footprints” Health Route for the month of Fight Against Breast Cancer

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Our Foundation “Caminantes Por La Vida” Started the “Hope Footprints” Health Route for the month of Fight Against Breast Cancer

Caminantes Por La Vida began its “Huellas de Esperanza” Health Route on the occasion of the Month of the Fight Against Breast Cancer, in which talks on awareness and prevention of breast cancer will be given, as well as the donation of kits of blankets and woven breast prostheses.

They began with the first activity at the Rosa Emilia de Tavares National Cancer Institute (INCART), with the participation of ADATS and the talks “Breast Self-Examination and Prevention” and “Overcoming Mastectomy” by Drs. Yolaine Vázquez and Gianna Ramos and a donation of food, blankets, and breast prostheses for breast cancer patients were carried out.

The second activity was carried out at the First Center for Diagnostics and Advanced Medicine in the Dominican Republic, CEDIMAT, with donated blankets for chemo and breast prostheses to cancer patients at the Integral Center for Hemato-Oncology. The General Director of CEDIMAT, Miagros Ureña and the Coordinator of the new center, Ligia Cardona, received the president of the foundation, Ana Bonetti Du-Breil, accompanied by Nieves Ramos, Mónica Álvarez and Giselle Oleaga, representatives of Grupo SID Human Resources and Health. During the visit, they toured the remodeled center, where they shared information about the operation of the modern equipment and the distribution of the physical space.

Between both events, 240 blankets and 155 breast prostheses were delivered to cancer patients from both centers. “Creating well-being through solidarity actions to raise awareness and treatments to accompany patients in the fight against cancer continues to be our main purpose and commitment to the Dominican family,” said Ana Bonetti Du-Breil.

These activities are in charge of Ana Bonetti Du-Breil, Executive President of Caminantes Por La Vida, and Nieves Ramos, Corporate Director of Human Management of Grupo SID, accompanied by Giselle Oleaga, representing Health and Human Management of Grupo SID.

Through the Caminantes Por La Vida Foundation, Grupo SID continues to support those who fight against cancer in each of the phases of this path, before, during, and after.

On the Health Route “Leaving Footprints”

To create well-being through prevention and treatment actions in support of patients in the fight against cancer, CxLV carries out the “Leaving Footprints” Health Route 2022 within the framework of the Health and Well-being SDG that promotes a global collective healthy life for all people of all ages for the construction of prosperous societies.

The Coastal Route of three initiatives:

1st “Prevention Initiative,” with Sonomammography and check-up operations for Grupo SID collaborators and their companies, as well as awareness talks for collaborators on the importance of early detection.

2nd. “Initiative during treatment” awareness talks for families on how to support patients and deliver blanket kits for adults and children in different hospitals in the country.

3rd. “Post-treatment Initiative” awareness talks for families on supporting patients after treatment and delivery of prosthesis kits in different hospitals in the country.

With these initiatives, CxLV fulfills its objectives of facilitating cancer detection and early diagnosis mechanisms to prevent health impacts, raising awareness among the population about cancer prevention through early detection, accompanying patients suffering from the disease and their families during treatment, through medical, emotional and psychological support, promote initiatives that favor patients during their treatment and post-treatment.

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