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Ligia Bonetti highlights the importance of diversification as a key to business success

In a call to action addressed to the business sector and public policy designers, Ligia Bonetti, executive president of Grupo SID, proposed diversification as a fundamental strategy for the sustainability and competitiveness of the Dominican economy. During her presentation entitled “Diversify to grow: Strategy for a resilient and competitive industry,” presented at the AMCHAMDR 2025 Business Meeting, Bonetti emphasized that the Dominican Republic is at a decisive moment to transform its economic model, taking advantage of its strategic location, its

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Grupo SID celebrates Pet Day: A day of learning and doggie love

Grupo SID continues to promote initiatives that strengthen the inclusive work culture and the well-being of its employees, this time with the celebration of SID Pet Day. This special activity turned the office into a space where the dogs were the protagonists, fostering moments of connection and learning between employees and their faithful four-legged companions.

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MercaSID and Guatemalan “Industrias La Popular” join forces to bring personal care and home care brands to the Dominican market

The alliance strengthens MercaSID’s presence in the day-to-day life of Dominican consumers, contributing to their well-being and quality of life. MercaSID, a company of the Grupo SID business conglomerate, announced today a strategic alliance with the renowned Guatemalan company Industria La Popular, for the exclusive distribution of new personal and home care brands in the

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Grupo SID holds a Children’s Fair on the SDGs

To raise awareness about the relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Grupo SID business conglomerate has inaugurated the Children’s Fair “Exploring the SDGs for a sustainable world”, an event aimed at the children’s educational community, designed to provide an educational, interactive, and playful experience. The Fair, which takes place at the El Manicero

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Grupo SID joins the PUCMM’s Guardians of the Academy Foundation

Grupo SID is proud to announce that it has recently joined the “Guardians of the Academy” project of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), which aims to grant scholarships in university academic programs to students of academic excellence and with limited economic resources, as well as to collaborate in the improvement of the

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