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Carolina Rondon

What is the Sustainable Palm Oil Roundtable?

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a global initiative with various stakeholders involved in palm products. The main objective of the roundtable is to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil through supply chain cooperation and an open dialogue between stakeholders.   The RSPO palm oil supply chain certification standard ensures that

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Carolina Rondon

Guidelines for Good Environmental Practices

By: Mónica Ortiz | Jr. Environmental Manager  Good Environmental Practices (GAP) aim to reduce the negative environmental impact caused by production processes, applying simple and useful measures that can be adopted by all people in their workplaces and that establish changes in processes and daily activities. These practices must be implemented by our collaborators to conserve

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Carolina Rondon

How to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint at Work? 5 Tips

By: Mónica Ortiz | Jr. Environmental Manager The environmental or ecological footprint measures each person’s impact on the planet in their daily lives. Every action can have environmental consequences so people must be aware of what they consume and their actions, to begin adopting eco-friendly habits. Many actions can be taken to reduce the environmental impact

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Equipo Digital

The three-dimensionality of sustainability

Sustainability is a fundamental concept in our world today, as it seeks to balance the needs of the present without compromising future generations. However, something that only some know about this concept is that it is made up of three aspects: economic, social and environmental sustainability. Economic sustainability It refers to actions and decisions that

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Equipo Digital

Tips to start recycling at home 

Ernesto Rosario | Environment Manager Induveca  Recycling gives a new life to the materials used to produce a product for another good. It is a simple and valuable activity we can do as a family, even the little ones in the house. This contributes to preventing environmental pollution in three ways: air pollution, water pollution,

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Carolina Rondon

Grupo SID leaves traces of life planting more than 7,000 plants in its reforestation day “ReforestaSID 2022”

Grupo SID raised awareness of the importance of caring for our ecosystem with the Environmental Sustainability program through its companies MercaSID, Induveca, Agua Crystal, and Induspalma as a way to ensure a better future for the next generations. In support of the environment, it united more than 100 volunteers with the reforestation day, “ReforestaSID 2022,”

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