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Ligia Bonetti: Sustainability more than a duty, an opportunity for the industry

Businesswoman Ligia Bonetti considered that sustainability is, more than a duty, an opportunity for the industry and outlined the pillars that, from her point of view, validate sustainable practices in the corporate world. The Executive President of Grupo SID, the Dominican business conglomerate, stated her position during the Change the World Summit 2024 event organized

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Equipo Digital

Grupo SID promotes a reading culture among its employees

Grupo SID, a leading Dominican business conglomerate, has launched the “SID Reading Club” with the aim of instilling a culture of reading among its more than 5,000 employees. This initiative seeks to stimulate creativity, critical thinking and empathy among its personnel. Ligia Bonetti, CEO of Grupo SID, shared the vision of the book club, expressing

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Equipo Digital

Induveca launches Induveca Salami Chips with Platanitos

The Induveca family, composed of the characters “Mr. Salami Súper Especial Induveca” and “Mrs. Tostón”, presented the new member of their family as a result od a five-year story of #AmorSuperEspecial through social networks, full of flavor, tradition, and the sharing of pride and affection of Dominicans, This story has told from their engagement, wedding,

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Equipo Digital

Grupo SID sows more than 7 thousand plants in reforestation day

In its firm commitment to the sustainable development of the country in all its pillars, Grupo SID together with more than 150 volunteers held its XIV reforestation day through its ReforestaSID program, which aims to contribute to the restoration of water-producing areas or micro-watersheds, contribute to the forest cover and the protection of flora and

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Equipo Digital

José Miguel Bonetti Guerra is recognized at the elDinero Economic Forum for his career and contributions to the industrial sector.

For his contributions to the economic development of the Dominican Republic and his legacy as an example of inspiration in the private sector for present and future generations, the President of the Board of Directors of Grupo SID, José Miguel Bonetti Guerra, was recognized by the third edition of the ElDinero Economic Forum. In thanking

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Equipo Digital

Grupo SID will grant Health Day to its employees to promote their physical and emotional well-being

Grupo SID held the VII edition of the Health Day: Protecting your Emotional Well-being, aiming to strengthen mental health care among its more than five thousand employees and continue to promote a positive work environment. During the activity, the executive president of the business group, Ligia Bonetti, announced that to promote preventive care for physical

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Equipo Digital

Grupo SID donates more than 6,000 food units in solidarity with San Cristóbal

In response to the devastating explosion that affected the province of San Cristobal, Grupo SID joined the Sur Futuro Foundation to channel a solidarity contribution to the affected families. In addition to extending the most sincere condolences of the SID Group to the affected families, confident in the speedy recovery of the community. “Together we

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Equipo Digital

Ligia Bonetti is recognized among the business leaders with the best reputation in the DR by Merco 2023

The Grupo SID proudly celebrates the recognition given to its Executive President, Ligia Bonetti, who has been highlighted as one of the business leaders with the best reputation in the Dominican Republic for 2023. This recognition, granted by Merco (Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation), positions Ligia Bonetti among the most recognized business leaders for her

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